Contact Information/Review Policy


Want a Review?
I enjoy reading and am more than happy to review the genres below:

Young Adult, New Adult, and Adult: Contemporary, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal

I am not interested in: Thriller/Horror, Mystery, Non-fiction, Religious

I am open to self published titles but will decide what to review at my own discretion.

If you are an author or a publisher and are interested in having me review one of your books, or are fellow book lover and have any questions, you can contact me at:

I do not promise I will read or review every request, but if it's something I think I'll enjoy, I will seriously consider it depending on my schedule and availability.

If you guys have a book you think I'd enjoy based on my recommendations and reviews, leave a comment!

Ahem...What's With the Cupcakes?
My rating system is as follows:
1 cupcake: Nope. Didn't like at all. Chances are it has to do with the actual writing versus any story aspect. You probably won't see many of those here, since I tend to only write reviews for books I liked.

2 cupcakes: Ugh. I managed to finish it but it lacked some required elements for me, mostly a strong voice or writing skills. Again, you probably won't see many here. 

3 cupcakes: Meh. I thought it was okay. Good writing, good story, nothing too special. Enjoyable, if not overly well-written or engaging.

4 cupcakes: Yeah! I really liked this book! Some aspects must have fallen a little short for me. When it comes to 4 stars instead of 5, it often falls to flaws in character - underdeveloped, unbelievable, etc. - though you'd have to check to review for details. Really enjoyed and just a generally 'good book'*.

5 cupcakes: WOOO! While it may seem like I throw 5 stars around like candy, I save them for books that I just really, really liked. While it doesn't necessarily mean there were no flaws, it does mean that the writing, characters, story, and whole experience was fantastic and those flaws didn't impede my reading or grasp of the story.

*All of these criteria are, of course, my own preferences and opinions.
I have no actual definition of a 'good book' - rather, just what I think of as one.
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Happy Reading!


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